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Updated: Apr 5, 2021

We hear many of these marriage myths when counseling clients who are considering divorce:

  1. The divorce rate of remarriages is higher than that of first marriages. This is often brought up at marriage counseling.

  2. Cohabitation prior to marriage increases the possibility of an enduring union. Studies indicate that those who cohabitate prior to marrying have a higher instance of divorce. Reasons for this are not fully understood, but some theorize that those who live together may consider relationships to be temporary.

  3. Following a divorce, a man’s standard of living improves by more than 40% and a woman’s decreases by more than 70%. Analysis of current data shows that a man’s gain is 10% and a woman’s loss is 27%.

  4. Being unhappy at various times throughout a marriage indicates that divorce is eminent. A recent study that interviewed couples over a 5 year period, found that eighty six percent of people who were unhappily married at the beginning of the survey, but stayed married, were happier 5 years later

  5. Men are more likely to initiate divorce proceedings. Two-thirds of all divorces are initiated by women.

  6. Having children together helps to create a successful marriage. Couples are less likely to sacrifice their own happiness for the benefit of the children.

  7. Children are better off when unhappy parents divorce. Based on the recent findings, it is often better for the children if their parents stay together and work out their problems.

  8. Following the divorce of their parents, children tend to resolve their divorce related problems relatively quickly. Studies indicate that children of divorced parents experience more and longer lasting interpersonal problems than children who live with both parents.

  9. Children of divorce have more enduring marriages. Children who were products of divorce have a higher rate of divorce than the marriages of children from intact families because marital commitment is not familiar to them.

  10. Following divorce, the children involved are better off in step-families than in single-parent families. Evidence suggests that stepfamilies are no improvement over single-parent families, even though family income levels are often higher and there are 2 parents in the home.

Contacting a North Carolina Divorce Lawyer . If you and your spouse have decided that divorce is the best course of action, we invite you to speak with an experienced North Carolina divorce attorney.

Contact Lundell Law Firm for more information and to discuss a strategy for pursuing your divorce or child custody matter. You can reach an attorney by calling (704) 288-4096, or completing the contact form on this website. We offer flexible payments without compromising our level of service!

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